1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
Do I give time to God in prayer each day? Do I seek to love God with my whole heart and surrender myself to God’s word as taught by the Church? Have I ever received Holy Communion while in a state of mortal sin? Are there other “gods” in my life such as money, power, or people, Do I thank God for the gifts he has given me?
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Have I used God’s name in vain, whether lightly or carelessly? Do I curse? Have I been angry with God? Have I ever wished evil on another person? Have I engaged in superstitious practices such as fortune-telling or palm reading?
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
Have I deliberately missed Mass on Sundays or on Holy Days of Obligation? Am I attentive during the Mass? Do I needlessly work on Sunday instead of observing it as a family day or a day of rest?
4. Honor your father and mother.
Do I honor and obey my parents? Do I care for my aged or sickly relatives? Have I neglected my duties as a spouse or parent? Do I provide my family with a good religious example? Do I try to model peace in my home life?
5. You shall not kill.
Have I physically harmed anyone? Have I had an abortion or encouraged someone to do so? Do I abuse drugs or alcohol? Have I led anyone to sin as a result of giving scandal to the situation? Do I harbor hatred in my heart or have an angry or resentful disposition? Have I refused to forgive others?
6. You shall not commit adultery.
Have I been faithful in my marriage vows? Have I engaged in any relationships outside of marriage? Do I seek to control my thoughts and imaginations? Am I chaste in my words and actions?
7. You shall not steal.
Have I taken what is not mine or damaged someone’s property? Do I pay my debts promptly and returned or made restitution for what I have taken from others? Do I waste time at work, home or school? Do I share what I have with those less fortunate? Have I cheated others out of what is justly theirs, such as creditors, tax calculations, or other corporations? Am I honest in my business relations?
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Have I lied or gossiped or spoken badly about others behind their back? Am I negative, critical, or insincere in my dealings with others? Have I damaged the reputation of others through my words? Do I keep a secret shared with me in confidence?
9. You shall not desire your neighbor’s wife
Have I consented to impure thoughts or behaved in inappropriate ways with members of the opposite sex? Do I pray to banish impure thoughts and temptations?
10. You shall not desire your neighbor’s goods
Am I jealous of what other people have and envy the families or possessions of others? Am I greedy or selfish in my life? Do I allow material possessions to be overly important in my life?